NET is written in the Registry as Office XP product. From unknown reason, the product key of Visual Stuido.This problem is mostly reported with Dell computers. If you bought your computer with installed operating system, you may find the Windows product key appeared in ProduKey utility is different from the product key on your Windows CD.For some types of license keys under Windows, the product key is not stored in the Registry, and thus 'Product key was not found' message will be displayed.How to Report Malware or False Positives to Multiple Antivirus Vendors.If your Antivirus software shows a false alert, you can use the following article that explains how to send a report about a false positive issue to your Antivirus company:.Click here to read more about false alerts in Antivirus programs When running produkey.exe, Some Antivirus programs displays an alert and/or block you from running it.This option also works on a remote machine, as long as you have permission to access WMI on the remote machine.If you turn on this option, ProduKey will extract the last 5 characters of the product key from SoftwareLicensingProduct class, using WMI. Added new option: Extract Partial Key With WMI.Updated to work properly in high DPI mode.Some of the Adobe and Autodesk products.Microsoft Office 2000 (Only ProductID is displayed).Microsoft Windows 10 (Doesn't work with all types of licenses).Microsoft Windows 8 (Doesn't work with Microsoft Volume Licensing).Microsoft Windows 7 (Doesn't work with Microsoft Volume Licensing).This utility can be useful if you lost the product key of your Windows/Office, and you want to reinstall it on your computer. You can view this information for your current running operating system, or for another operating system/computer - by using command-line options.