Download Minesweeper Classic!
Download Minesweeper Classic!

download Minesweeper Classic!

Identify safe cells and mine-containing cells using this information. The number on a cell indicates how many mines are nearby. Mines are positioned randomly throughout the Minefield. The rules of MineSweeper/Buscaminas are straightforward. Give it a try and see if you have what it takes to difuse the bombs and clear the board. You can't go wrong with Minesweeper Classic Free. Download now and join the ranks of Microsoft Games fans! We also have the premium version so that you can play this classic game Minesweeper no ads. With simple gameplay and endless replay value, Minesweeper: Classic Edition is a must-have for any puzzle enthusiast. Get ready to test your logic and strategy skills with Minesweeper: Classic Edition, a Microsoft Games classic! This timeless puzzle game challenges you to clear a grid of hidden mines without detonating any. Play MineSweeper Classic free board game. Challenge your intelligence with Mines sweeper.Exciting Bomb defuse retro games.

Download Minesweeper Classic!